The Conference emphasizes a holistic and sustainable approach to design and improve systems and promotes cooperation among scientists, technicians, consultants and producers around the world.
The Conference will be hosted by the University of Évora (, the second university founded in Portugal in 1559, which offers a broad multidisciplinary education, research and training in all areas of knowledge. Agriculture is a strategic development area of UEvora. Here, through its Departments of Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 3 bachelor’s and 6 master’s degrees are offered, in addition to a multi and transdisciplinary doctoral program in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. At the Campus Experimental of Mitra it is possible to find the MED – Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development ( which is the largest research center installed in Portuguese universities.
Here is the link for the conference website.
Here is the link to the programme.