16 March 2023 -

DISTENDER and sister projects NEVERMORE and KNOWING kick started their journey together

On 10 March 2023, the project leaders and communication and dissemination partners of three sister projects funded under the same Horizon Europe call - DISTENDER, NEVERMORE, and KNOWING - met online for the first time.

The goal of the meeting was to establish potential synergies and common pathways among the projects with the aim to better understand the interactions between climate change impacts and risks, as well as mitigation and adaptation options.

After an initial presentation of the projects and partners, it became clear that there were many commonalities among the projects. The discussion then focused on how the projects could create meaningful synergies, with a focus on short and medium term opportunities for joint communication and dissemination activities.

The meeting was productive, and the willingness to work together was underlined. The event marked the beginning of a successful and lasting collaboration between the projects, with joint communication and dissemination activities serving to raise awareness of the research outcomes, reach a wider audience, and promote the uptake of the projects’ findings.

Overall, the collaboration between NEVERMORE, DISTENDER, and KNOWING is a promising development, and it is hoped that the projects will continue to work together and make a positive contribution to addressing the challenges of climate change.

Credits: https://unsplash.com/photos/nJMUGwkqHqg?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink