The First Annual Meeting began with an update from the project coordinator, UPM, focusing on Work Package 1 and the project’s progress. Each work package leader provided an overview of their respective areas, promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Discussions covered topics such as climate scenarios, biophysical model simulations, and interlinkages between climate change impacts and socioeconomic pathways.
Open issues were addressed to ensure smooth project operations. Sessions on communication, strategies, decision support systems, community scenarios, and monitoring methodologies highlighted the project’s commitment to dissemination, stakeholder involvement, practical solutions, and continuous improvement.
One of the notable highlights of the First Annual Meeting was the presentation of the first outcomes of DISTENDER to experts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This has been the first touchpoint, in order to exchange information with them and receive their feedback.
This significant milestone demonstrated the project’s commitment to addressing pressing environmental concerns. The presentation received positive feedback and opened avenues for collaboration and knowledge sharing with esteemed IPCC experts